Please Note: McGhee Productivity Solutions was acquired by learning and development innovator InteraWorks in 2022. While we are no longer selling passes for on-demand content, we are happy to continue making it available for all currrently active pass holders.
If you are interested in learning more about InteraWorks and its progressive offerings for improved productivity, increased capacity, leadership development, and much more, please reach out for a conversation. We’d love to tell you what we’re up to and how we can help you and your team make the right things happen – all while elevating the human experience in your work culture.
The Resource Library is a library of essential instructions, course materials, articles, and handouts. Choose a title below to view the content and save PDFs to your computer.
Accountability Matters
Are You Addicted to Alignment?
Advice for Admins – Getting to Yes by Saying No
Coaching vs. Mentoring
Digging Deep to Break Old Habits
Hiring Smarter
Optimizing Effectiveness
Replacing Bad Habits with Good Ones
Staying Productive as a Working Mom
Are You Talking Too Much?
Using Assessments to Become a Better Leader
You’re Not Worthy!
Trying to Get It All Done
When Did We Stop Participating in Life?
Are You in Agreement or Alignment?
Are You Filtering Your Time Decisions?